關鍵字:軟密封閘閥,螺紋閘閥,銅閘閥,軟密封閘閥,不銹鋼閘閥,絲扣閘閥 dbzz
主要特點及用途 Chief features and usages
- 結構緊湊、設計合理,閥門剛性好,通道流暢,流阻系數小。
- 密封面采用不銹鋼和硬質合金,使用壽命長
- 采用柔性石墨填料、密封可靠、操作輕便靈活
- 驅動方式分手動、電動、氣動、齒輪傳功,結構型式:彈性楔式單閘板、剛性楔式單閘板和雙閘板型式。
- 廣泛適用于石油化工,火力發電廠等油品、水蒸汽管路上作接通或截斷管路中介質的啟閉裝置。
- Compact structure,neasonnable design,good rigidity,smooth channel,small coefficient of flow resistance.
- The sealing face uses stainless steel and carbide alloy and is of long duration
- Using flexible graphite fillings,reliable sealing,light and nimble operation
- Four driving ways,manually,electrically,air-ioerating and gear-driving,structure type,elastic wedge type with single gate board,right rigi-dwedge type with single or dual-gate board.
- Widely used as the device of open or close to connect or cut off the medium inside of the pioeline of water,steam or oil goods in steam power plants