關鍵字:變頻器電纜電線,計算機電纜. dbzz變頻器阻燃屏蔽電纜電線
1.用 途;廣州市東方電線電纜廠,本產品適用于額定電壓500V及以下對于防干擾性要求較高的變頻器和自動化連接用電纜。電纜地線芯絕緣采用具有抗氧化性能的K型B類低密度聚乙烯。聚乙烯的絕緣電阻高,耐電壓好,介電系數小和介質損耗溫度和變頻率的影響也小,不但能滿足傳輸性能的要求,而且能確保電纜的使用壽命。
為了減少回路間的相互串擾和外部干擾,電纜采用屏蔽結構。電纜的屏蔽要求是根據不同場合分別采用:對絞組合屏蔽、對絞組成電纜的總屏蔽、對絞組合屏蔽后總屏蔽等方法。 屏蔽材料有圓銅線,銅帶、鋁帶/塑料復合帶三種。屏蔽對與屏蔽對具有較好的絕緣性能,電纜在使用中若屏蔽對屏蔽對之間出現電位差時,不會影響信號的傳輸質量。歡迎瀏覽網站:http://www.cabledf.cebiz.cn
Inverter flame shielded cable .wire Converter cable cable .wire Model: DJYPV, DJYVP, DJYPVP, DJVVP, JVVP, DJYPRV, DJYPVRP22 specifications: 0.3 ~ 2.5mm21 pairs - 24 pairs of 1. Purposes; Guangzhou City, Oriental電線電纜廠, the product applies to rated voltage 500V and below for the tamper-resistant requirement of a high frequency converter and automatic connection cable. Ground cable core insulation used with anti-oxidant properties of K-B type low-density polyethylene. Polyethylene insulation resistance of a high withstand voltage is good, small and medium dielectric constant temperature and variable frequency of loss of influence is small, not only to meet the transmission performance requirements, but also to ensure that the cable life.
In order to reduce the inter-loop crosstalk and external interference, shielded cable structure. Cable shielding requirements are based on different occasions were used: combination of shielded twisted pair, twisted pair cables composed of the total shielding, shielded twisted pair combination of methods such as after the total shielding. Shielding materials are round copper wire, copper strip, aluminum strip / plastic composite tape of three. Shield with the shield has good insulation properties of the cable in use of the shield, if shield potential difference between the right, it will not affect the signal transmission quality. Welcome to visit the website: * |