企業檔案 |
企業名稱:青島中鼎潤道科技有限公司 |
企業類型: 貿易商 |
企業行業:石油化工 |
企業地址:青島重慶南路298號雁山世紀603 |
資料認證情況 |
企業營業執照等資料未認證,立刻認證 |
聯系信息 |
聯 系 人:
陳華 先生 (銷售工程師) 手 -- 機: 13455277989 電 -- 話: 86- 0532- 83939329 傳 -- 真: 86- 0532- 83939327 Email: chenhua7712@yahoo.com QQ: 未填寫QQ |
公司簡介 |
中鼎潤道是工業技術市場的專業供應商,在傳動、控制和潤滑領域聲譽卓著多來,致力于為客戶打造一站式服務。我們與多家國際知名品牌合作,在美國,歐洲,日本設立采購中心,全球快速采購并為客戶提供一站式服務。 在汽車、電子、微電子、醫療、能源、機械、辦公設備、家電等行業,我們積累了豐富的經驗,客戶遍布全國各地。我們將以熱情的態度、快速的行動和良好的職業素養成為您值得信賴的伙伴。 我們平等對待每位員工,與全體員工共同分享公司的發展成果,注重員工的培訓與發展,為每位員工提供良好的發展空間。我們注重承擔社會責任,熱心公益,注重環保。 A professional supplier of industrial technology market , Aerolub is dedicated to providing total transmission、control and lubrication solutions to many industries. As partner of many world famous companies, we appreciate in ONE-STOP service for customers needs basin on purchasement office in USA、Euro and Jappen. With recognized expertise accumulated in industries like automobile, electronics, microelectronics, medical devices, energy sources, machinery, office and home appliances, we would be your trustworthy business partner with our positive attitude, quick reaction and professional accomplishment. We fairly treat every employee and share our achievements with all the staff. We value employees’ self-development, and guarantee a promising career prospect. Taking social responsibilities seriously, we frequently participate in social welfare?activities such as Hope Project and environment protection programs. Sharing will be a never ending effort. |