關鍵字:鈷基Co106焊條.鈷基6號焊條鈷基焊條 dbzzCo106鈷鉻鎢合金焊芯的鈷基堆焊焊條,采用直流反接,堆焊金屬在650℃工作仍能保持良好的耐磨性和耐腐蝕性,用于要求在650℃左右工作仍能保持良好的耐磨性和耐腐蝕性的場合,或承受沖擊和冷熱交錯的部位,如堆焊高溫高壓閥門及熱剪切刀刃等。
Trade- Mark 牌 號 |
Equivalent to China Standard 相當國標 |
Characteristics & application 特性和用途 |
Equivalent to AWS 相當AWS |
D 802 |
EDCoCr-A-03 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as the edge of thermo-cutter. HRc38-47,耐熱、耐蝕、耐磨。堆焊高溫工件如熱剪切刀刃 |
ECoCr-A |
D 812 |
EDCoCr-B-03 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as internal-combustion engine valve. HRc45-50,耐熱、耐蝕、耐磨。堆焊高溫工件如內燃機閥 |
ECoCr-B |
D 822 |
HRc≥53. Resistance to Wear and heat, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of rotating blade wheel of boiler. HRc≥53,耐熱、耐磨,但抗沖擊性差。堆焊鍋爐旋轉葉輪 |
D 832 |
EDCoCr-C-03 |
HRc≥50. Wear and heat resistance. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as hot-rolling guided way. HRc≥50,耐熱、耐磨。堆焊高溫工件如熱軋導軌 |
ECoCr-C |
D 842 |
EDCoCr-D-03 |
HRc28-38. Corrosion and thermo-fatigue resistance, work harding. Hardfacing of hot forging die. HRc28-38,耐蝕、抗熱疲勞,具有加工硬化性。堆焊熱鍛模 |
Trade- Mark 牌 號 |
Equivalent to China Standard 相當國標 |
Characteristics & application 特性和用途 |
Equivalent to AWS 相當AWS |
D 802 |
EDCoCr-A-03 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as the edge of thermo-cutter. HRc38-47,耐熱、耐蝕、耐磨。堆焊高溫工件如熱剪切刀刃 |
ECoCr-A |
D 812 |
EDCoCr-B-03 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as internal-combustion engine valve. HRc45-50,耐熱、耐蝕、耐磨。堆焊高溫工件如內燃機閥 |
ECoCr-B |
D 822 |
HRc≥53. Resistance to Wear and heat, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of rotating blade wheel of boiler. HRc≥53,耐熱、耐磨,但抗沖擊性差。堆焊鍋爐旋轉葉輪 |
D 832 |
EDCoCr-C-03 |
HRc≥50. Wear and heat resistance. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as hot-rolling guided way. HRc≥50,耐熱、耐磨。堆焊高溫工件如熱軋導軌 |
ECoCr-C |
D 842 |
EDCoCr-D-03 |
HRc28-38. Corrosion and thermo-fatigue resistance, work harding. Hardfacing of hot forging die. HRc28-38,耐蝕、抗熱疲勞,具有加工硬化性。堆焊熱鍛模 |
D802鈷鉻鎢合金焊芯的鈷基堆焊焊條,采用直流反接,堆焊金屬在650℃工作仍能保持良好的耐磨性和耐腐蝕性,用于要求在650℃左右工作仍能保持良好的耐磨性和耐腐蝕性的場合,或承受沖擊和冷熱交錯的部位,如堆焊高溫高壓閥門及熱剪切刀刃等。 熔敷金屬化學成分/% C-0.701.40 Si≤2.0 Mn≤2.0 Cr-25.032.0 Fe≤4.0 W-3.06.0 其他≤4.0 Co-余量 堆焊層硬度HRC≥40
D812鈷基堆焊焊條 D812鈷鉻鎢合金焊芯的鈷基堆焊焊條,采用直流反接,堆焊金屬在650℃工作仍能保持良好的耐磨性和耐蝕性,用于高溫高壓閥門、高壓泵的軸套筒和內襯套筒以及化釬設備的斬刀刃口等 熔敷金屬化學成分/% C-1.001.70 Si≤2.00 Mn≤2.00 Cr-25.032.0 Fe≤5.0 W-7.010.0 其他≤4.0 Co-余量 堆焊層硬度HRC≥44
D822鈷基堆焊焊條 D822是高碳鈷鉻鎢合金焊芯的鈷基堆焊焊條,采用直流反接,渣覆蓋性好,成形美觀,具有優良的耐磨、耐熱和耐腐蝕性,在650℃高溫也能保持這些特性。用于牙輪鉆頭軸承、鍋爐的旋轉葉輪、粉碎機刃口.螺旋送料機等磨損部件的堆焊 焊縫金屬化學成分(%) C--1.753.0 Cr--25.033.0 W--11.019.0 Mn--≤2.0 Si--≤2.0 Fe--≤5.0 Co--余量 其他總量≤4.0 堆焊層硬度HRC≥53 參考電流: 規格φ(mm) 4.0 5.0 6.0 電流(A) 120160 140190 150210
D842鈷基堆焊焊條 說明:鈷基4號低碳鈷鉻鎢合金焊芯的堆焊焊條,采用直流反接,堆焊金屬在800℃仍能保持良好的看熱疲勞性和耐蝕性。 用途:用于高溫條件下承受沖擊和冷熱交錯的工件堆焊,如熱鍛模,閥門密封面等,具有良好的性能。 熔敷金屬化學成分/% C Si Mn Cr Fe W 其他 Co 0.20~0.50 ≤2.00 ≤2.00 23.0~32.0 ≤5.00 ≤9.50 ≤7.00 余量 堆焊層硬度HRC28~35
Co101 用于高常溫硬度,較強耐磨粒磨損,耐腐蝕性能。用于旋轉密封環,牙輪軸承,套筒,鉆頭等。 Co104(司太立鈷基4號) 用于較高耐磨損性能,極好的高溫強及耐腐蝕性能。用于銅,鋁合金熱壓模,熱擠壓模,干電池模具
等。 Co106(司太立鈷基6號)較好的耐磨,耐高溫,抗熱震沖擊,抗擦傷性能。用于發動機氣門,高溫高壓閥門密封面,熱剪刀刃,
渦輪機葉片等。 Co112(司太立鈷基12號)較高耐磨損,耐腐蝕抗擦傷性能。用于高溫,高壓閥門,剪切刀刃,鋸齒,螺旋推桿等。 Co120高常溫高溫硬度,較強耐磨粒磨損耐磨蝕性能。用于高壓閥座,磨損棉板。 |